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- Date: Sun, 12 Jun 94 00:03 BST-1
- From: Ofir Gal <ogal@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Subject: Ofir's digest 11.06
- To: gem-list@world.std.com
- Message-Id: <memo.357817@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Precedence: bulk
- In message <Pine.3.89.9406111033.C2848-0100000@mhc.mtholyoke.edu>, rflashma@mhc.mtholyoke.edu said:
- >
- >Why would it be so hard to establish some keys to be slightly different in
- >other country/languages? I'm not saying we should do this, but that there
- >very well may be an interest in doing so. A program could automatically
- >switch or allow for different defaults at installation.
- I think it will result in chaos similar to the one we have ATM. While it
- may be OK for commercial programs with good distribution, it will not
- help shareware.
- >If we are heading towards a global configuration file, then why NOT have
- >each country logical to their own language? Just load in the US, UK,
- >file. I would think this setup would be PERFECT for that purpose.
- Indeed, this is one of the reasons such a config is a good idea.
- >> I am ready and so are others.
- >
- >That doesn't mean everyone will. We've been through this before. Atari
- >convinced us to implement the "official" Atari clipboard standard into
- >STalker and STeno. Six months later they "changed" the standard, after we
- >had released both applications. STalker has been upgraded since then to
- >support "both" official standards (some programs use the older standard
- >while others use the newer one). STeno hasn't been upgraded yet (we can
- >only do so much at once), but we finally have someone working on this.
- I am not aware of any changes to the clip standard. My GEM docs from 89
- are the same as the 93 COmpendium. We had this discussion before on
- Usenet. Non-standard implementation is one of the reason I stopped using
- STalker (although I paid full price for it) and moved on to use CoNnect.
- >However, when people ask what other programs support either clipboard
- >standard, the answer is "not much".
- That is not the case with German software. Most programs on my system
- fully support the GEM clip and a it's a very useful feature.
- >From a developer standpoint, this is nothing less than a nightmare. The
- >Atari market is SMALL. Having to go back and modify an application before
- >you were ready to upgrade it (because some standard has changed) can be a
- >financial nightware.
- It depends on your code, it will take me about 1/2 an hour to make my
- Voice Mail program compliant to the new standard. I also believe that if
- the standard is established, users will come to expect programs to use it,
- if you want your products to sell in Germany (and the UK market is also
- moving in this direction) you will have to produce programs that follow
- the guidelines (if you can decide which guidelines to follow :-).
- >I know this sounds negative. I'm really not trying to be, just trying to
- >point out some of the issues us "commercial" developers face. This is
- >part of the reason we've been heading toward giving the customer complete
- >flexibility.
- Many people on the list are commercial developers. They face the same
- problems you do - me included. I believe that a standard interface can
- only help our market.
- >Reviews might point out the logic of this (though we don't really have
- >many magazines left doing reviews these days). But a customer who's been
- >hanging on to their STalker since day one may not want his keys to change
- >without warning.
- I can't speak for other users, but _I_ will be very happy if STalker was
- changed to follow the standards.
- >As a developer, I can see this heading towards seeing applications
- >shipping with two sets of keyboard_control_files. One with the original
- >set, and one with newer standard.
- That's possible. If your original keyboard settings greatly differ from
- the standard.
- >> here is a much better solution. Allowing the user to define the keyboard
- >> shortcuts for all apps in one go.
- >
- >It makes sense, as long as the decision is implemented with enough ease
- >of use so that all levels of programmers can support it. Sure, we can do
- >almost anything we want in code. But there are many GEM programmers who
- >barelly understand how they got a window up, must less how to do
- >overlays, etc. In other words, we want to keep any standard implemented
- >at a low technical level to assist novice programmers. (Sorry if this
- >paragraph is confusing, several thoughts at once in it).
- I fully agree with you. We are currently debating the format of the
- configuration file. Your comments will be useful.
- In message <2df65b90249e@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca>, mforget@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca said:
- >
- >No; here is an example of what "Abandon" does. Assume that I have a text
- >file on a disk. It contains the words "This is a text file.". I load
- >the text file into my editor, and change the sentence to something
- >else. I decide that I want the original back, so I press Control-H.
- >The changes are thrown away and the document is reloaded. It does
- >no close the window, iconify it, or do anything to it except restore
- >the document in it to its original form.
- I see what you mean. HiSoft call this revert. I'm not sure if a keyboard
- shortcut is required fro such an option. Comments?
- In message <P8874@K.maus.de>, Michael_Nolte@k.maus.de said:
- >
- >Ofir Gal:
- >>CTRL D - Abandon Window (iconify or place in menu)
- >I'd prefer CTRL-H.
- Which should we use then? CTRL+D or CTRL+H? Are there any programs that
- implement this feature? Maybe Wilfried can tell us why he wants CTRL+D
- since it was his idea.
- Bye,
- Ofir ogal@cix.compulink.co.uk